Our Story

The Dominican Sisters of the Trinity commemorate the year 1887, as the beginning of the Congregation, the first Dominican Sisters of Quebec.

On August 30, 1887, Msgr. Benjamin Paquet provided shelter for the sisters so they could form a community according to the Rules and Statues of the Third Order of St. Dominic setting up the Dominican Community was courageously started by Philomene Labreque, later known as Sister Catherine Philomene.

The new Congregation became known as the “Dominican Sisters of the Infant Jesus.” The Congregation grew and on June 30, 1902, five professed Sisters left the Congregation in Quebec for the Seminary of Three Rivers and found a separate community to be called the “Dominican Sisters of the Holy Rosary.”

On January 18, 1967 a Decree for the Sacred Congregation for Religious sanctioned the definitive unions of the two Congregations under the new name of the Dominican Sisters of the Trinity.

The Chosen Ones

On January 25, 1948, feast day of the conversion of St. Paul, Sisters Cecile Denis, OP, Sr. Therese Naud, OP, St. Pauline Guillmette, OP, St. Therese Corriveau, OP. and Sr. Rita Blais, OP would blaze the trail for the Philippine mission. 


Each feeling blessed for being chosen. Of the five sisters, three were nurses, on had worked in a seminary and the other had worked for a hospital for eleven (11) years.



Philippine Mission

On May 18, 1948, the five missionaries took the SS Gordon to cross the Pacific Ocean.  They are Sr. Cecile Denis, OP, Sr. Therese Naud, OP, St. Pauline Guillemette, OP, Sr. Therese Corriveau, OP, and St. Rita Blais, OP.

When the sisters arrived in Davao City, the PME Fathers helped them in looking for a house on Claveria St., now CM Recto St.

On October 1, 1948, by God’s loving guiding hands, the sisters operated the Hosptial de San Pedro.

The San Pedro Hospital became the laboratory for training for sisters in hospital work in the Philippines. The Hospital became the pursuit of a cherished dream for the sisters.